We are a team of licensed, insured, bonded, qualified, and competent professionals.
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G&HHHC Employee Code of Commitment
Treat others with respect.
We are all humans—acknowledge that. Give everyone their due dignity.

Equality among all. Show no bias and never play favorites when dealing with others.

Establish a culture of trust. Let your colleagues know that you trust them to do their jobs effectively and proficiently. Do not monitor and criticize their every move.

Reward outstanding performances. Acknowledge and appreciate the efforts and commitment of your colleagues. Make them feel valued; never let their efforts go unnoticed.

Praise in public, punish in private.
Always communicate with respect and dignity. Reprimanding your colleagues with a loud voice can affect their reactions and may badly take your intention. Positive reinforcements are always best used.

Empathize with them without getting too involved in their personal lives.
Mentor others with compassion, empathy, and morality. Understand their situation and be there to listen to all that they have to say. Do not judge.

Encourage positivity, enhance their strengths, and help them eliminate their weaker traits.
Be open to suggestions, opinions, and criticisms. Ask your colleagues for their ideas on better ways to achieve their goals and newer approaches to increase productivity.

Group dynamics. Work as a team and respect the cultural and social differences of others. Never discriminate, abuse, bully, or belittle others.

Keep the team in the loop. Disseminate information proactively. Coordinate with the team. Keep the team updated with all decisions, announcements that will affect and be affected by their work. Remember, there is no I, but only WE.

Be proactive, not reactive. Take control of events and happenings. Do not wait for things to happen before you decide your course of action. Make sure to take action towards optimum results.

Admit your mistakes. It may be hard to swallow pride and admit that you are wrong, but you must do it. Aside from it is only right, admitting your mistake can encourage others to do the same, which helps you and the team address possible problems efficiently and properly.

Do not gossip. You must have each other’s backs and must not support any form of gossips towards others.

Lead by example. In everything you do, exert your best efforts. If you fail, rise and try again. Do not let failure get you down. Use your challenges as stepping stones to success. Encourage others to do the same as well.

Be approachable. Let others know they can come to you with any issue and that you will give them both your time and a fair hearing. Do not bear personal grudges against others.

Get in Touch with Us
Grace and Hope Home Healthcare is committed to your health and safety. Should you have questions and concerns, feel free to send us a message here.

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